Browsing by Author Rose, Nick

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-02Analysis of stakeholder frames on positioning, drivers and solutions to food insecurity in AustraliaRose, Nick; Fairweather, Molly; de Castro, Zoe; O’Connor, Sophie; Beale, Kylie; Kleve, Sue; McCartan, Julia
2022-06Australian local government policies on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system: analysis in New South Wales and VictoriaRose, Nick; Carrad, Amy; Aguirre-Bielschowsky, Ikerne; Reeve, Belinda; Charlton, Karen
2022-02Barriers and enablers for healthy food systems and environments: The role of local governments.Rose, Nick; Reeve, Belinda; Charlton, Karen
2015Churchill Fellowship Report: A study of innovative models of urban agriculture in the US midwest, Toronto and ArgentinaRose, Nick
2017Community food hubs: an economic and social justice model for regional Australia?Rose, Nick
2016Cultivating the critical food artisan: the emergence of an undergraduate food studies program in AustraliaDonati, Kelly; Cleary, Lilly; Rose, Nick
2014-06Digital and included: Empowering social housing communitiesRose, Nick; Seton, Carolyn; Tucker, Julie; Zwan, Rick van der
2020"Every seed I plant is a wish for tomorrow" Findings and Action Agenda from the 2020 National Pandemic Gardening Survey.Donati, Kelly; Rose, Nick
2015Fair food : stories from a movement changing the worldRose, Nick
2015-01Fairness in Australia's food and farming system - Farmer perspectives and experienceRose, Nick; Lee, Richard; Jonas, Tammi; Zainuddin, Zainil
2013Food security, food sovereignty and global governance regimes in the context of climate change and food availabilityRose, Nick
2018-07-06Food Sovereignty: A new societal paradigm for the 21st century?Rose, Nick
2022-06Food system policy making and innovation at the local level: Exploring the response of Australian local governments to critical food system issuesRose, Nick; Carrad, Amy; Aguirre-Bielschowsky, Ikerne; Charlton, Karen; Reeve, Belinda
2017-05Food systems and the role of local governmentRose, Nick; Hearn, Adrian H.
2017-01Food, and the unsettling of the human conditionRose, Nick; James, Paul
2020-06From Nar Nar Goon to Koo Wee Rup: Can participatory food policy making processes contribute to healthier and fairer food systems in the Australian municipal context? A case study from Cardinia Shire, MelbourneRose, Nick; Lourival, Izo
2021-03From the cancer stage of capitalism to the political principle of the common: The social immune response of “Food as Commons”Rose, Nick
2022-10Growing edible cities and towns: A survey of the Victorian urban agriculture sectorDonati, Kelly; Rose, Nick
2019-07Hegemony, Counter-Hegemony and Food Systems Literacy: Transforming the Global Industrial Food SystemRose, Nick; Lourival, Izo
2016-03The human right to foodRose, Nick; Lindberg, Rebecca; Caraher, Martin